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Updated on 1st April 2016.
1990's, 1990, 1999, 2000, 2001, 7 vs 1, 7 to smoke, 90s, acrobatic, airflare, airplane, air swipe, airtrack, applejack, babyfreeze, babylove, babymill, backflip, backrock, backspin, backswipe, bang, banged, barrel,


, battle rock, bbattle, b-boy,


, b-boyin, bboyin,


, beat, beef, bellymill, b-girl,


, bhudda, bite, bit, biter, biting, BJ, b-kid, bkid, blow up, blow walk, body thread, boomerang, boston crab, botting, bpm, break-boy,

break dance



, breakdancing, break-girl,


, breaking, bronco, brooklyn rock, buddha, bunny hop, burner, burned, bust, butterfly, butterfly twist, cannonball, capoeira, ccs, chair, championship, charleston, chill, closed legged crickets, circle, coin drop, collapse, combination, combo, concrete, condition, conditioning, contest, continues backspin, cool down, crab, crabwalk, crash, crew, cricket, cyclone, cypher, cypher king, cypher lottery, cypher queen, def, demo, dime stopping, dirty 30, dirty thirty, disk jockey, diss, DJ, donkey, donut, dope, double, double 99, downrock, drill, eastcoast rock, eggbeater, elbowfreeze, elbowglide, elbowstand, electric boogie, fallin‘ out, fistglide, filthy, flagspin, flare, flip, float, floorwork, flow, flyer,


, freestyle,
, fresh, front flip, gainer, genie, gliding, go down, graffiti, graffer, gyros, halo, handcuff, handglide, hand hops, handslide, handstand, handstyle, hater, headglide, headslide,
, head stand, headswipe, helicopter, hesititation, hexagon battle,


, hip hop, hip twist, hit, hollowback, homeboy, homie, host, house, indian step, inverted flare, ish, jackhammer, jam, judge, junior, kid, kidz, kip up, kneespin, kork, lino, linoleum, locking, lofting, loose, master of ceremonies, MC, mill, mini flare, mixtape, move, munchmill, neckmove, nine teens 90s, nutcracker, octagon battle, old school, one hand 99, one handed flare, owned, perfection, phat, poplock, popping, pose, power, powerhead,


, pretzel, random battle, rap, repetition, reply, robot, rockin’, rookie, round, routine, rubber band, salsa step, salto, scorpion, scramble, serverd, session, set, seven 2 smoke, seven to smoke, shuffle, shuffle battle, sick, sideglide, side spin, six step, six step glide, slide, smoked, snapback, spider, stab, stabbedmill, stall, step, street dance, street dancer, stretch, style, suicide, sucide flip, sumo, superman, sweetspot, swipe, swirl, switch, tabletop, tag, tagger, t-flare, thomas flare, three step, tie, tiebreak, ticking, tic-tac, tombstone,


, tops, track, transition, trax, tripple, turtle, two legged applejack, UFO, universal, uprock, ups,
, vinyl, wack, wacked, warmup, waving, web,
, workshop, worm, wolf, writer